Green revolution lovers
The growing interest in agricultural production that is more respectful with the environment and the demand for “natural products” has led to an increase in the number of farmers who are committed to the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants as an alternative to traditional crops.
Aloe vera for ever
Without a doubt, the cultivation of aloe vera is the agricultural production that has been most developed on the peninsula due to its multiple beneficial properties and the demand that the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries have been making as the main raw material or for the enrichment of other types of products.
here are four foods that are essential for the well-being of man: wheat, grapes, olive and aloe.
The first feeds him, the second lifts his spirits, the third brings him harmony, and the fourth heals him.
“Cristóbal Colón”
Alover was born from the personal commitment of two brothers determined to undertake an agricultural operation based on the cultivation of organic aloe vera.
The initiative of Alejandro together with the knowledge in agronomic engineering of Miguel have driven our project to turn what was initially an idea into a reality. In this business adventure we have not been alone, we have had the support of our families who have always believed in us and the enthusiasm of the rest of our staff.
We have grown up in an agricultural and livestock environment, in the vicinity of a natural park, which has allowed us to be in continuous contact with nature, learning to respect and care for it. Agriculture, based mainly on the cultivation of olive groves and the production of oil, has been the traditional way of life in our town and thanks to the wealth it has generated, other small businesses have been developed that have contributed to the creation of jobs and have allowed the rural population to survive.
In our family we have always been closely tied to the land and the idea of growing aloe vera has been a new opportunity to continue with that bond as well as a challenge on a personal level, opting for a crop in which we are pioneers in our autonomous community.
We chose organic production because for us there is no other way to do it, only with respect for nature can we obtain the best of the land in which we have grown. We establish a symbiotic relationship with the earth, we take care of it and in return we obtain a pure organic aloe vera gel that contains the highest concentration of natural active ingredients and preserves all the benefits of aloe.
We are producers of aloe vera because we are convinced of the benefits that its cultivation brings.
We feel comfortable in our town, with our people and we want to contribute with our project to maintain our natural environment and generate wealth, opening the way to other entrepreneurs so that the number of aloe producers in our autonomous community increases and they can continue living off their farms.
The development of a business project of any kind is full of great enthusiasm and not a few uncertainties
Are you interested in our aloe vera?
In our case, the decision to become aloe vera producers was simple. The more we learned about aloe, the more fascinated we were. On our farm, small in size for other crops, we had the sandy soil suitable for its cultivation and the dry climate of the area favored it. It was all a matter of getting down to business.
When we began to delve into the properties of aloe vera, we realized its great potential. Pure aloe vera gel is present as the main ingredient in cosmetic and medical products and food supplements due to its high content of mucilage and minerals and the benefits it provides.
The development of the aloe plant allows you to start harvesting the leaves after three years, when the plant is adult, which makes it a highly profitable crop even with productions of a few hectares, since a hectare can give up to 70,000 kilos of aloe leaf.
At Alover we are part of ASOCIALOE, the national association of aloe entrepreneurs in Spain. The association’s basic mission is to spread the medicinal properties of aloe and increase the production of aloe vera, favoring its cultivation on the peninsula. Its ultimate goal is to achieve and increase the income of farmers allowing them to continue with their farms and alleviate the depopulation suffered by the countryside in general.
We believe that unity is strength, and through the association we have a forum for aloe vera producers in which to share experiences and disseminate the advantages of growing aloe vera.
Its low water requirement and its characteristics of fixing to the ground help to prevent soil erosion in dry climates, favoring the conservation of the environment.
The planting, fertilizing, weeding and harvesting tasks are done by hand as it is a crop that requires labor and ultimately generates wealth in the rural environment where it is located.
We grow organic aloe vera
At Alover we aim to obtain an excellent quality aloe vera gel, for this we control our farm on a daily basis, making sure that the temperature, light and hydration conditions that each of our plants has is adequate.
We take care to eliminate by hand the weeds that can grow and that compete for nutrients with our aloe vera and to watch so that they are not attacked by pests or parasites.
We pamper our exploitation to be able to offer the best of nature to our clients.
Whether you are a transformer of fresh aloe vera leaf or if you are interested in wholesale purchasing of pure organic aloe vera gel directly from our plantation, at Alover we are at your disposal to answer any questions that may arise and for you to visit our plantation and see first-hand the quality of our aloe.
We have the ecological certification of the CAAE, the first certifying entity for organic products in Spain, which guarantees that the products made with our aloe vera can bear the guarantee seal of organic farming.
Do you want to buy aloe vera leaves?
Miguel (Technical Department):
+34 647 76 96 49
Alejandro (CFO):
+34 686 83 54 60
Technical department:
Commercial dept.:
Street Cerro 13
45150 Navahermosa (Toledo)